Friday, February 04, 2011

Trying to come back

An exercise i tried before writing something new, turns out it was better than the piece i wrote:

Halfway hallucinating happiness on holidays,

Hanging on hyperbole while holding for a better day,

Hopelessly with happiness we hate the honest undertones,

Hereditary homicide is flowing through my monotone.

Infiltrate intangibles while understanding impotence.

Investigate insomnia while living in the present tense

Indulgence interferes with independent after thoughts

Implicit indications that my mind is clearly lost for thought

Judgmental jealousy is justifying jubilants,

Jeopardizing joy by the fact that it ignorant.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Tomorrow comes again

This morning I was watching the sun rise and preparing to change lives
red and white lights flashed by and my ears were assaulted with a waaaailing
being emotionally raw I felt
with the tragedy that a fellow daughter, lover, believer, or brother, had just encountered
and I realized that I had been shockingly numb
to the human condition

how many times do ambulances annoy us as they scream by

how many prayers do we forget to whisper

how many breaths are taken without appreciation

how often do we neglect comforting the fathers and husbands and sons left behind

how do we survive without living

I'm going to remember to love believe fight cry forgive pray sing try learn venture promise laugh need decide kiss change dare escape move expect run dance fall demand want give play...
because that ambulance could be coming for me