Soft and faint, my name leaves a smile on my face during casual introductions. It is a name of comfort in how every person I meet cannot read my soul by hearing it. Jenn means playmate or a mom to play house with. Jenn is easy and fun to call you. Jennifer, being the most common name possible seemed to fit just right. But many who know you would have never names you something so insignificant. A shield comes to mind when i think of my name because I have always been able to hide behind its common nature. "Jenn" is truly who I am... Appearing ordinary and timid but suprisingly more uncommon. My name doesn't burden me the way that other names could. I don't know another girl who wears her name the way that I do. Inside me lies fire, but my undersized name acts as water to anyone who doesn't look too closely. I wonder how much overcompensating I do in trying to be the biggest person I can and fighting off such a monotonous name. Jenn has always meant my biggest specialest friend who I will always look forward to seeing. I wish your name was spoken more often because then I would know that I would see you more. If you looked up my name in the dictionary you would read "soft cheeked and fair." If you looked up my name in its correspondence to my life you would read crazy, free spirited, mellow, loving, and grounded. It would mean sacrifice, selflessness, and trust. However, if my name meant all of these things to the naked eye, I believe I would feel vulnerable and threatened. Threatened, that every person who met me, would know that my heart was soft and harmless. My name would unlock any and all of my mystery. We named you Jennifer because we wanted to protect you.
Soft and faint, my name leaves a smile on my face during casual introductions. It is a name of comfort in how every person I meet cannot read my soul by hearing it. Jenn means playmate or a mom to play house with. Jenn is easy and fun to call you. Jennifer, being the most common name possible seemed to fit just right. But many who know you would have never names you something so insignificant. A shield comes to mind when i think of my name because I have always been able to hide behind its common nature. "Jenn" is truly who I am... Appearing ordinary and timid but suprisingly more uncommon. My name doesn't burden me the way that other names could. I don't know another girl who wears her name the way that I do. Inside me lies fire, but my undersized name acts as water to anyone who doesn't look too closely. I wonder how much overcompensating I do in trying to be the biggest person I can and fighting off such a monotonous name. Jenn has always meant my biggest specialest friend who I will always look forward to seeing. I wish your name was spoken more often because then I would know that I would see you more. If you looked up my name in the dictionary you would read "soft cheeked and fair." If you looked up my name in its correspondence to my life you would read crazy, free spirited, mellow, loving, and grounded. It would mean sacrifice, selflessness, and trust. However, if my name meant all of these things to the naked eye, I believe I would feel vulnerable and threatened. Threatened, that every person who met me, would know that my heart was soft and harmless. My name would unlock any and all of my mystery. We named you Jennifer because we wanted to protect you.
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