Thursday, May 15, 2008


Because this is a work of fiction, its dedication is as follows:

for Lazarus,
for the soon-found souls
every awkward kiss
the mistaken agendas inside ulterior motives
mending broken hearts
Your inanities
my Pretension
my terrible professors
the impossibility of existence
the slow-cold drips of blood from my brain to my oil pan
Ascari A10
Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector)
Keeping it Pithy
and Santa Fe Books (where would I be without you?)
not to mention my secretly developing dementia. 

In addition, I would like to not only thank but to also reciprocate the help of:

Eighteen minutes
the Doomsday clock
Death Letters
Suicide Notes
spelling errors
and terrible grammar

Tonight, kind sir, I drink to you as well.

~Technological Regressionist who feels strongly for Assemblage.

Love letters to you Picasso,

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