Legal Review - Laws are not the foundation of justice but are the hindrance of liberty; the foundation of justice can be found in the way children are imbued with concepts of retribution. (see No. 15)
A Bad Education - To teach the history of demonisation with a punitive disposition is to demonise; for the sake of sparing a redundancy, history should never be taught with this disposition.
The Governed - The question to the government is not what it will do for the citizens, but by which means does the government plan to abate its presence in unnecessarily-governed civil arenas.
The Good-Socialist - A socialist society does not modify the abilities nor the motivation of those within, but disables the returns gained by well-wishing efforts.
A Sad Paradox -
"Dictionary - n. A Malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic." The Devil's Dictionary - Ambrose Bierce
It can be noted though, that recently both the quality of literature and the lexicon has diminished quite extensively, notwithstanding the size of the english dictionary has grown double its size since the 17th century.
When Orating - Cant, but do not prate--hypocrisy is more subtle than foolishness, lo both are often reviewed as six of one.
A Pithy Nature - Human nature is not derived from the most primitive times of man's existence, but from the the childhood man experiences; each nature differs from person to person--which is the foundation of individuality--but ultimately each nature enables itself to conform to a common ideal; it is common natures that differentiate the participants of a society.
Governance - It is not wealth that governs the world--as radicals do believe--but the motivation to gain wealth that governs the world.
Self Advocacy - It is not for the benefit of conversation nor to hear another person that we lower the volume on a television or stereo, we lower the volume so that we can be certain our end of the conversation is heard.
Missing Strokes - Social constructivism appears as an excellent viewpoint, an opinion that is logical and easy to apply. The issue though, is the social constructivist does not recognise a very powerful force in the inter-workings of society: the power of the individual. Without accepting the power of the individual, the answer of how social constructs come about wanders into the night unanswered.
You Sound Like... - Person: "You sound just like my friend ________" Reply: "Thank you, but I would rather sound like myself."
Simplicity - The greatest thoughts and problems are not presented with simplicity, but solved and explained with simplicity.
Why I Use British English - I enjoy most an original.
Devil's Advocate - Be cautious when you choose to advocate an under-represented subject, the proponents are often wont to be fickle or even worse: inane on the subject.
Equal Protection of Liberty - Under Title XIV of the United States Constitution, it is guaranteed that "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..." Upon review of this I enquire: do certain statutes that your government enforces, and you abide by, inhibit your ability to be completely liberated as liberty is defined in the Bill of Rights?
~Welcome to practice.