Tuesday, December 07, 2004

my old memoir

was going to have this as my memoir, but I decided to write about something else. (kind of light topic, didn't correct any errors in it though):

Karate was really fun when I was younger. My Dad had taken Karate before and he thought it might be a good idea to go check out this place near our house. I remember hoping I wouldn’t actually have to get involved in Karate when my Dad mentioned it. About a week later we went over to the Karate school and he was impressed with the Senseis of the school and the way they treated their students. I remember I was in sixth grade that day and I absolutely did not want to be there. However, when I first saw my Gi I was excited. I wanted to join the class right away and I took my first class that day. I took a white belt and got dressed up. Even though the class was with kids that were way younger than me, I thought Karate was the coolest thing. I was excited when I got home and I imagined myself as being a master at Karate. I imagined myself blocking every punch threw by a made up guy in my imagination. Part of why I liked Karate so much was because of the people I met while in it. The people that run the school are Sensei Chuck and Sensei Carol. Sensei Chuck is a very nice guy and had been a police officer. He was very intelligent and had a degree in Psychology and a very reserved guy. Sensei Carol on the other hand had a very bubbly personality and she was very cool. She is an out of the box thinker and very bright. I really did enjoy Karate because of the way people interacted with each other. The first day I was there I saw these guys sparring and then afterwards they went over and gave each other high fives. Anyways, as I progressed through the belts I got to know more people. My Dad was happy whenever he took me to Karate also because he would talk to nearly every parent in the school. As time went on I got to know Sensei Carol and Sensei Chuck more and realized how cool they were. As I got better reflexes and technique I started to compete in sparring at tournaments. Tournaments are held in huge areas, looks like an empty warehouse. I remember getting extremely nervous before every tournament. I would pace around until my round was ready to go. Honestly, the first time I competed at a tournament I got destroyed. It was fun though because we would all go to Red Robins after the tournaments and we would have a party of 30. I also asked out the first girl I’ve ever asked out in Karate. I was really infatuated with this girl and she was one of the prettiest girls at the school in my opinion. I was way too nervous to actually ask her out on a date for a long time, but we had classes together and we would partner up often. I remember we would play around and laugh during class. She was aggressive whenever she sparred against me though. We would go against each other often and the Senseis didn’t mind it too much because we were pretty much the same in weight, height, and skill level. One of the classes I ate dinner before and I dreaded the fact that Sensei Rick was going to head the class. If he was heading the class you knew that you would feel like you want to puke by the end of the class. That class as I thought was a very intense class. Eventually, I was paired up with Monique and we sparred. Soon after we started I decided to do what I wanted to do long ago, I would ask her out. Maybe 5 minutes before class stopped I asked her out,then she said yes and I puked all over the mat. I remember some kid asking if I had Chinese food for Dinner.

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