Friday, September 07, 2007

Looking for something you can feel; something you can hold

As long as everyone is writing about love, this was the first paper i wrote for my creative writing class up at CU.

Love rides a little lopsided, with scratched here and there,
Built up from the wear and tear, when times seemed to tough to bear.
It’s the click and a clack in your heart,
And the slow steady dark, when forgiveness is given to start,
And two souls meet and set a mark.
Love is tested, and chipped and scratched,
But still radiating precision cuts, designed to last.
It’s the taste of too many hands, to many tears,
And the barrier of years, breading those moments of absolutely no fears.
Love is like a motionless memory, and a persevering remedy.
It’s those moments at night when the light is right,
And the cold chill bites, and breathing isn’t right, your chest squeezes tight.
Love is a sigh of relief, when you suck a breath deep
And your nose to your lungs feel the wintergreen heat.
So what is love?
Love is when you aren’t scared to die, cause you’ll never be more alive

Oh and Leyba, i have a sweet creative writing intro to show you next time i come down, or ill email it or something if i can find a scanner


Theresa said...


Іванченко said...

love is the high or the low
no matter what it is, its the way to grow
through the good and the bad
through the easy and the sad
there's one thing that will persist for eternity
one thing that lives above all of this malice
its the sip of the drink from the last challice
and the broken bread of the words all about this
its love in the worst way, in every feeling that you crave today
it'll exist for all eternity but also divide with contunity
so live it right and live it all night by night
because there's only one way to develop it for flight

~Keep lovin'
