Wednesday, October 22, 2008

200 mg

It's not that I haven't thought about it for awhile, or that I don't constantly think of it every day. But I was walking home, with some kind of girly shit on my iPod. It was good though, a good 2:00 song. Anyways, I get a kick out of those speed traps. Flashing at every car. And the leaves on the ground, so crunchy. The fact that I have business cards can never, ever stop me from crunching on those leaves. I even do a two-step, making sure I get that real curled up one. And I walk into my house, slide open the glass door. It's quiet. It smells like the Febreze candle I bought. Like $6. I'm out of breath, and I have an idea. I'm going to stop thinking. And then I think about it.

Smile at my answer, leave me laughing.

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