Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Son of a...

Born with a big mouth,

Brought up with an even bigger opinion,

Decent from great minds,

History runs in my blood,

From the slave trade to Hitler.

212 degrees, boiling point never felt so hot.

My blood boils,

Heat the moment.




Shut your big mouth girl.

Congested, stuffy nose like.

As stubborn as I am,

I have weak knees for a good arguement.

Straight edge for the right answer.

I need to "watch it."

Everyday conversation anymore-

Anymore with me is censored.

Always worried about being "politically correct."

Anything with the slightest slip...


Men, women, childeren,

Race of every kind.

Empowers my brain.

Takes over my body,

Hatred for races.

I hate gay pride.


Not a conversation topic,

Not to be discussed at work.

"I'm sorry, you're fired."

Shut your big mouth girl.

Opinions aside,

Hatred away...

But, but wait-

I can't call you the

Bleep word...I would be raciest

You can call me a bleep word-

My people in-slaved you-

Fists up,

White power,

No, no, no!

Not at the employment office!

If I knew what was good for me...

Dang, I'd still have a job.

1 comment:

Іванченко said...

the ranks of the recently retired
growing quick and wild
but the want for control
is taking a toll
on a right so intrinsic
it would be daft not to benefit
and to utilise the freedom
brought on by father finding truths
self-evident in the regret
stand down from the dialect
because somebody found a way
to enslave the things you say
how is that equality and freedom?
a new world bread to encourage treason
but when time is misused
It might be the truth
that evisceration, pulling out that bad tooth
is better for progress to move
Liquidation of hate is really an aim
of those pursuing a new world sane
it's difficult when stacked decks play cards
but that's how we learn tact and how to go far
I'm not certain of your stances
But Raise some odd glances
Production of delight
abstract of the trite
evisceration of the time tonight
thank you for utilising your right.

~Titles 1-10 are the most important.


P.S. Please send me an Email or instant message (if you do that). It is on my profile page.