Here is some things u might like to know about me. I am very quiet unless I'm in a good mood or on my adhd meds. I have a huge phobia of crowds and being singled out in them for example my 8th grade speech I had I passed out from being in front of the class and because I was the only one standing up there I do ok if I'm with some one else but I just prefer to not be in front of the class all to together. I also have some short term memory problems to so I would appreciate it if u would remind me of things that are do often so I get them in on time. I guess that's the biggest things about me u should know. If u want to see some of the things I write in class I will post it here or I will give u a copy to read.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
About Me
- Can-Chaser 08
- Dana Michelle
- Galliana
- HartProperties
- Hope4Hannah
- Ill uhh Noy
- J Kauf
- Jeffasaurus2
- K. Chew
- Lauren J.
- LilyLo
- LloydDobbler
- MeetMeInChicago
- NashvilleBlues
- NoBadDays
- Reikan
- Sam Swa
- Sawtelle
- TaryLou
- TheDalaiMama
- Theresa
- Tia
- Twiggy
- Іванченко
- "Just Jew It"
- beautiful mess.
- boogie
- cheers to that
- cookiegobbler
- destination_unknown
- for whatever reason
- graham39
- jabruce21
- jumpnjibboo
- keikana
- lilbradley
- littleone11
- netdude
- silentvoice
- sistermaryclarence
- the one in the back
- vizor
- watchpaulrun
- About Digress' Pleasures and Pains
- Angry Maegan
- animal cruelty
- Big as in Blue and Loyal like you
- Cage Dancer
- Crashes.
- help with verse by Danielle G. and Cody S.
- I want to be free
- long
- love
- My eyes My Camera Maui 2004
- My Window My eyes My friend Julia
- now
- oh dear love
- oh these starswept eyes
- Peace Out
- senior year
- Thank You Leyba
- whats your slice?
- Song Memory...
- whats going on
- The Path
- Just some ideas
- I've been watching you...
- Some info for leyba
- response
- I Can Tell You
- Wanna trade?Lloyd Dobler
- k mr. leyba this is so you can read what i write
- Choose Sides Now! POW! ZOWIE! Holy BlowholeLloy...
- Only Love
- Psh... Posers...hehe
- Begining and EndLloyd Dobler
- Starting Over