Monday, March 07, 2005

what Mr. Bishop was really drawing on the board 2nd hour

The scene is set almost as if taken straight from a picture. A perfect picture which you would see gracing the cover of an outdoor magazine, or a post card which you would send to a homesick friend. The small, humble town is backed by an endless mountain range. Each mountain is capped with a hint of snowing, further enhancing the perfect scene. The slight sound of a jet engine blends graciously with the sweet sound of an early spring day. The only noise that breaks the mold of the wholesome town is the sound of horn, honking at a dog crossing the street. The car is traveling very fast, and seems to also be out of the ordinary along with the noise it expelled. The town seems happy, happy but with a secret.
Mr. Domend walks slowly from one house to another, making sure to stay within the limits of the sidewalk. God forbid the hauntingly green grace would feel the embrace of a shoe-covered foot. God forbid perfection is corrupted. The town seems to have transformed from a wholesome feeling, to a tragic almost homely feel. The picture seems to be to perfect to be true, and everyone seems to have a secret. Shari Grace waters the only yellow spot in her yard. It’s hidden, to the side of the house. Back behind the juniper bushes; back where no one can see. It’s strange how only two days after the disappearance of her husband, a yellow spot, no more then 6 feet by 6 feet appears, diluting the substance to which all thought to be perfect. But other discrepancies are appearing. The once wholesome neighborhood has now been invaded with by an evil secret, which no one intends to look into. The picture is to perfect to be true, but all those within, refuse to let this information out.
The members of the community follow along with their day to day lives. Donnie and Marc stand on the corner, continuing their daily routine of passing the ball. The wind is blowing slightly, and the sun bakes the earth to the perfect temperature. All seems well in this picture, but the truth is hidden within the souls of each and every person who lives there. They know the truth. They know exactly where Mr. Grace disappeared to, but they know damn well that this problem is far more breathtaking then anything they have ever encountered.
From a distance, the picture looks perfect. The wholesome town is placed graciously in front of the never-ending snow-capped mountains. The peaceful bliss of an early spring day enthralls the hearts of all who are blessed to have found such a wholesome place to live. The picture seems perfect, but what they don’t know, is that this picture is truly worth a thousand words, but no one will ever be brave enough to tell it.

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