Monday, October 22, 2007

Plans and Extemporaneousness

Cletis the Orphan
looks into the
eyes of those who pass
right on by
without looking into
his longing eyes

Cletis the Orphan
speaks with no
modern language techniques
in fact, he never uses any form
of interjections

Cletis the Orphan
is a mangy mess of
a ragamuffin; dirt on his face
no bathing occurs in his life
;he is as skinny
as he is houseless

Cletis the Orphan
is 8 years old with
no parents; for they
died in a terrible flash
he's hungry, never knows
where his next meal will
come from

Cletis the Orphan
is in love
with putt][putt golf
he saves change up until
he can go to a course to
putt][putt][putt the night

Cletis the Orphan
will become the next
Tiger Wood of professional
putt][putt golf
if the stars keep
staying in lines
;if the chains stay
linked to the future

~Barbed wire dreams. a cut in my side, and i can't sleep with your pride.


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