Monday, October 29, 2007

Wooden Planks Are My Floorboards

; careful,

there's a big world out there
it waits for you so it can scare
a test it brings to your door
to prove you can walk this floor

; CAREful,

a sigh in the back room
as forced you to your doom
face the fear as you explore
ancient words of forgotten lore

; careful,

walking in the dark wasn't a thrill
until the last man came with a pill
heightening senses, destroyed prudence
leaving you alone along the wall to reminisce

; careFUL,

this door leads to death
labled life full of health
down the hall is the saddle
and the stairwell you travel

; CareFull,

the kitchen is closed
alchemists twiddle their toes
with pots and pans
full of destructive plans

; careful,

evaporation comes quickly
so gather ye victory
prepare for the ejection
by producing protection


watch the seas collide
your health you imbibe
keep the secrets to yourself
for i cannot keep them on my shelf

; Caution.

wear sunscreen and utilize listerine
do not hit and run from the scene
hold the flame away from face
always season to taste

~Not like the old days. its a little darker now, its a little colder too.


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