Wednesday, July 25, 2007

16 Hours Straight

i don't know if you know
but i've been watching from afar
and i don't really comprehend why you'd do
such a pitiful thing

i don't know if you know
but i've been watching from up close
attempting to deliberate who and what
needs you more

i don't know if you know
but i've been watching from right here
and if you ever try to cross paths
then i'll have to explode with impunity

i don't know if you know
but just the shape of your face
has been driving me insane
we have become enemies

i don't know if you know
but these last twenty four hours
have housed my distrust for you
and i realize once again, you are a rat

i don't know if you know
but there's something i need to tell
you're an ass and you have no class
some think it is, but i don't think its funny

i don't know if you know
but i'm about three inches away
from cutting all ties, friendship and all
beacuse you don't control yourself.

~I assume its natural to get sick of people. but who truely knows what nature is?


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