Friday, May 11, 2007

The Best Time to be alone is never

You are amazing
all of you
I am feeling the weight of you preparing to leave
You each taught me something
Who is teaching who today?
Oh! Seven.

good night


Іванченко said...

its due time, for me to reply with a funky rhyme
some things you write are so so sly
amazing, back at you, always motivating us to try
oh seven commends you for your actions
at lest, i do, encouraging me to climb the fence
and breaking the window and replacing it with sentences
thanks for a great year
and helping me understand my own interactions with my peers
memories and messages to make clear
thanks again, for the great year.

~Spectacular. absolutely spectacular.


boogie said...

I'm gonna miss this class. Thanks.

sistermaryclarence said...

i miss it. times ten. best year ever thanks to you. I swear if it wasnt for this class, i dont know what i would have done. thank you. thats all i can say.