Monday, May 28, 2007

you've got me thinking in rhymes

I can't say goodbye because it hurts too much, I can't say until I see you again because it's so indifferent, I can't say see you later because it's much too brief, but to you this is what I can and must say: you taught me that tearing feelings apart is much different than breaking a heart, that giving something power can be silent but a soul it can devour, that smiles and giggles can mean less than an aching heart will confess. You showed me that it's okay to see that I was wrong and to my faults I must admit only knowing that in the end all that matters is where my heart and soul will fit. Simple rhymes like tiny toes tickled my nose are just as good as the paramount catastrophic beauty of anything more than philisophic (al). You've shown me that who I am and who I want to look like don't always agree but both of them are what has I have to thank you for never letting me cop out, teaching me that easy answers aren't what life is about, and letting me be honest without fear of being judged. I'm no master of's your world, I just dabble in it but thanks for indulging me while I find my creativity. You will always be the big brown beautiful boy with the goofy smile. I'll miss you.

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