Friday, December 08, 2006

Don't move past this~

The moment it falls off your lips you feel the silence, shadowing your heart
At a glance you see the smile
An embrace that seems to last an eternity
Love? Is this real? Please say yes.
The step together never missed
The perfect beat always there
A proclamation, A realization
Life? Will this end? Please say no, don’t let me move past this
I belong, the world seems right
A sensation so warm
I belong, life can never fail
Light? Can happiness truly be found? Please answer honestly
A spring of freedom
A glimpse of bliss
A home for sanctuary
Fear? Can you be conquered? Will I be allowed to never move past this?

1 comment:

Ill uhh Noy said...

"A spring of freedom
A glimpse of bliss
A home for sanctuary"--I love LOVE this!! I love this piece