Wednesday, December 13, 2006

First Love

Though time and time again I feel alone
I will choose to be free
I will no longer let you tie me down
Your memories haunt me
You were the first person I trusted outside of my family
You were the first person who I knowingly hurt
Yet you have moved on happily
You even got married
Yet I fear even a date
I thought you were my forever
Then you changed
I sent you away
I prayed you would come back
Now here I sit at this desk writing a piece I know you will never recieve
I am writing to free myself from you
It hurts to say goodbye
But I have come to understand that you must say goodbye even when it hurts
So I will say it now
Goodbye my first love
I pray you aren't my last
But I pray that forever we will remember each other

To my first love.

(this is kind of jumbled but I just kinda threw it out there)

1 comment:

Ill uhh Noy said...

"Now here I sit at this desk writing a piece I know you will never recieve" I can completely relate! I've done the exact same thing! But it feels so good when it's finally out doesn't it?