Sunday, March 11, 2007

shattering glass

its not easy,
it never is,
finding that perfect,
glass window.
the one with no finger prints,
the one that no matter what has to stay clean,
you know,
its perfect shape,
the way it looks just right,
right when the sun shines through it.
but in an instant,
it can shatter,
right into a million pieces,
you dont know why it break,
it bends,
hitting the floor like frozen rain.
soon it will be swept up,
but not before its dwelled upon,
it was good to be known,
better to have known,
and can be replaced,
not with something better,
something less,
never good enough,
not good enough,
never good enough,
but always there to repace.


Theresa said...

Meg that's beautiful. You'll find another perfect glass window. Promise :) You know I love you

Іванченко said...

glass breaks, yes its fate
safety glass shatters in patterns
while picture postcard panes break at simple strains
no window is diamond
but no window is so brittle it can't be handled
humans break easier than glass
but we can't replace them with the past
utilizing it to form a new mask
or perhaps a checklist to escape the grasp
remember you can't change your past
but the future can be manipulated out of trash
into are so beautiful you couldn't attempt to fool
it was last call when you took the last stall
but it was all just perfect, like smooth glass
to find another perfect pane
a new room must be arranged
so i tell you this, don't strain your brain
just look forward as you glue back your SANE
step by step take each breath
and you'll find the antonym of regret
remember the daily life lesson
the daily life lessons aren't meant to lessen

~Broken glass, can only mean a new change.


sistermaryclarence said...

thank you digress, thats all i can day. thank you.