Friday, April 06, 2007

confessions i only make in here

Blank spaces fill my mind and bleed ink on my paper, creating blotches that are words that speak my heart
My last breath would be spent explaining to you how terribly sorry I am that I was never good enough
Silky soft skin can't take away the ripping, scraping, murder of words that tear like barbed wire going down (being swallowed whole)
Babies and small children and handsome dogs and teddy bear picnics can take away the pain for only so long and then the real world resumes
When communication just isn't an option and understanding takes too much explaining and the way out is staying in the exit is blinking green
Giving all of myself and getting the rest of myself in return reminds me of repeating the past and I'm walking this road alone
Unspoken tears drown me from the inside out and I'm being s l o w l y rejected because I just can't cut it for his perfect boy

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