Sunday, April 22, 2007


Hey I figured it out all by myself!!!

1 comment:

Іванченко said...

where have you been?
were you cast into exile for some unrighteous sin?
or did you not get the right pong with the ping
trying to rhyme spoken words with words you sing?
kicked off for being involved in a string?
the questions develop, do you have answers?
i'm going back to dancing with the panthers
keep up the standards
and writing with the grandeaur
if my spelling was anywhere near
i'd probably live in a van by the river
but i don't so i've got a nice house boat
and i can tell you, rivers serve as a perfect mote
i lost my train of thought
and i couldn't tell you where i was going with this plot
but that's just the twist
i wish you the best, when you reminise
keep an eye out for a list
because i'm letting you in a a secret of the mist

~don't dissipate.
