Saturday, September 04, 2004

How To Be Male

To be male you have to have that confidence about you, the confidence that drives girls crazy but we all secretly love deep down. You have to walk the halls like you own them, like you are the cat's meow and no one is going to take that away from you. You have to have that sensitive side that only comes out when that really hot girl you are into is having a hard day. You have to find that balance between being a jerk, the kinda guy that girls always complain about, and a nice guy. But no to nice of a guy cause your friends will find out and you will never live it down. You have to try and remember the important dates, even though you will always forget them. You have to tell your girlfriend that that the sweater she is wearing doesn't make her look fat even if it does, cause it doesn't matter cause in your eyes she is perfect.

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