Sunday, September 26, 2004

Tick Tock

White that’s all I see. I lay here on my back starring at the ceiling. Tick tock tick tock. The clock keeps moving. No matter what I do. It just keeps getting later and later. You think I would learn from the past. Hell I’ve only been in school for 13 years. Well I guess you could say 10 years. Kindergarten, first, and second don’t really count. Now those were the days. You were taught how to share. “Now lets all play together with the legos.” If I could back to those days I promise I would share. I would share every toy I had. I would never take the last cookie. But that’s just not how it is. I take a deep breath. Breathing in through my nose and how through my mouth. I sit back up, and open my math book. Flip through the zillion pages until I find the one I am looking for. The one with the huge equations and no numbers. I reach for my yellow pencil, that has chew marks all over it. I’m going to be sick tomorrow. I have eaten an entire pencil. I look back at the page and… DING, DING, DING… AHHH my alarm clock is buzzing, it’s already time for school, I must have fallen asleep. How could I have fallen asleep? I have all this homework. I run down stairs grabbing all my books. I run into the kitchen to say goodbye to my mom. I enter the kitchen and she’s not in there. Never in my entire life has my mom not been up before me on a school day. I’M DEAD. I died last night. No one is in my house. I can’t even find my dog, my mom isn’t up. I open my mouth as far as it goes and let out the loudest scream I have ever made. I hear a clunk upstairs and my mom comes running down the stairs. I turn pale, and just stare at her with my mouth open. She looks at me and asks me “What in the world do you think you are doing at 6:00 on a Saturday morning.


Anonymous said...

its soo cute... :)

Anonymous said...

heh, i like it...i actually did that once