Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Underground Rebel Writing Ring

Dear Bloggers, I love what you are bringing to this space. This feels like a night time classroom to me. I am learning more about you here than in the clique-y confines of the building on the hill. I love writing. I love reading what you think. I love getting inside your head, heart, and humor. As we begin to write more in class, I hope your thoughts will become public. There are so many of you that have amazing thoughts, cool words, and brave tellings. Put aside the drama that is school and be honest with people you don't really know and tell some stories to those you do know. Tell me what you like so we can do more and tell me what is meaningless to you (and why). Simply sit in this writing room in space and ramble about what is on your mind. Just write. To those of you in period four--you really kicked butt today. Period two--I never know what you are thinking. Period three, I'm waiting for you to break out of your shell. Period six--my beloved bizarre period six--half of you are out the door, two of you are sleeping, one of you won't make eye contact with me, and another one of you is sitting on your writing like it is going to hatch any year now. Anyway, I love what each class brings and how you challenge me to learn every period I stand there before you and pretend I know how to teach you to write. Thank you. Write.

1 comment:

LloydDobbler said...

Dear Mean and scary, period 1 is freshy fresh freshman. I'm dating period three anymore by the way.