Wednesday, October 04, 2006

five hundred words to get there...

half the day is gone, he is determined to do this, this one last thing before he must go, leave this earth, leave her forever. he cant find the words to tell her, why he is leaving, the sadness he carrys on his heart. to her, he never seemed unhappy, those blue-berry eyes always staring at her, no matter what, the smile that could light up the darkest of nights. his last five hundred words, beating around the bush, trying to tell her everything running through his mind. "sorry baby girl", four hundred and counting. "tell me why", a raging waterfal of tears overwhelms her face. she blames herself, every mistake, every fight, three hundred and counting, two hundered. he leaves, she doesnt yet say good-bye, she cant bring herself to the horrible truth. his last words, "baby girl, i love you". driving to check on him, no one home, no one in sight, but she sees the car, oh that car, so many memories, late night rides, water gun fights. one more place to check, there he is. there he is. her knees hit the pavement like a hammer driving a nail. all she has left is the memories.


Theresa said...

Wow. This is so powerful, it made me sad, but in an amazed sort of way!

destination_unknown said...

amazing sister mary the imagery was awesome i loved it.