Wednesday, October 04, 2006

when i look at myself i'm paper

paper thin. comes in contact with an assortment of things. they write all over it. all over me. put their ideas, their beliefs, their thoughts into my head. when they're done they sign their name. mark their seal of approval and move on to the next victim. forget what they've left behind. forget who they've altered. who they've changed forever. another one comes along. erases the marks that may remain. turns me back into a blank slate. now i'm nothing. no thoughts, opinions, nothing to look at, nothing thats interesting. some one else dangerously approaches, i shy away... afraid of whats to come, who i'll become next. but they're stronger. stronger than this frail sickly being who can't find her voice. not able to just screech ENOUGH. i've had it. i want my own mind. i don't want to be transparent. i don't want to be erased. rewritten until supposedly made perfect. but i am. i'm paper.

1 comment:

sistermaryclarence said...

i like this piece. it reminds me of me in a way, the way i look at myself, writing poetry, and not having my own opinion on things. like you try and do something, but someone always has to do it better. i get that. word.