Monday, January 22, 2007

A Bedtime try at something new

Once in a distant land a young warrior stood on the edge of the world, he asked the gods for forgiveness. He asked for guidance. When he went upon the road he found a women of the rebels, yet he could not kill her. For within her he saw faith, she had been born to this life not knowing the rightful path. He took her in but she ran from him leaving nothing behind but a memory. As he followed a trail sung to him in his dreams he came upon the rebel camp. She smiled when she saw him and said, "you arrived sooner then anticipated." He looked about at what she called home, but instead of seeing the disgusting filth they lived in he saw happiness and prosperity. He thought to himself what have they done that the king has not. She smiled and said aloud, "we have prayed to the gods for forgiveness for our sins. and they have forgiven and granted us a new life." He stared at her when a male voice resounded from behind him, "as they have you, welcome newcomer I see you have chosen my daughter, Emerald as yours."


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