Friday, January 05, 2007

New Chapter

It seems like yesterday I was watching seniors leaving my fresmen year
I was sad I had so many friends in that class
Even my boyfriend was in that class
I felt like a part of me was being torn apart
It happened again the next year but somehow it didn't bother me
I didn't really know that class
Last year I felt a wave a fear overtake me as I watched them leave
My sister went with that class
Now we no longer talk
This year I know I will be the one to leave
But honestly I don't want to
I want to stay in high school longer
I want to hear Mr. D give the speech that makes me cry more then one more time
I want to sing in the choir for more then just a winter concert
I want to be able to come home every night and hear my mom say how was school
I want to make even more memories
I wish I had decided long ago that high school was the one place I felt at home
I wish I had realized that I've grown up
I wish I had realized earlier that what I did in high school would affect me forever
I wish I had realized that I would miss it
Even with all it's imperfections
I wish I could walk through those halls on my last day and know that I was ready
But I can't because I know that on that day I will be as scared as the first
Because I know I'm beginning a new chapter



Ill uhh Noy said...

wow this is great! I don't know about anyone else but that's exactly how I feel. I'm not ready to leave yet and I'm not looking forward to next year like everyone else...

Ill uhh Noy said...

wow this is great! I don't know about anyone else but that's exactly how I feel. I'm not ready to leave yet and I'm not looking forward to next year like everyone else...