Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine Dreams

I look out my window only to see
that it's snowing outside.
The blanket of snow covering the streets,
makes it seem like there's no sign of life.
It's 6am,
though it seems like it's still night,
It's dark out,
And the corner street lamp
gives off the only light.
I continue to follow
my normal morning routine,
I'm so tired,
I'm dragging,
It feels like I'm in a dream.
As I start to walk down the stairs,
I look down at my feet,
Rose petals line the staircase,
I wonder who did this?
Rose petals continue as I turn the corner.
Are there any more surprises?
Could there be more?
There's a card
with Hershey's kisses all around,
"My beautiful girl,
You're the one I adore,
I love you so much,
How I'm with you,
must be sheer dumb luck.
Happy Valentines Day,
My dear!", it so sweetly read.
I look to the left,
and there is a white envelope,
I open it up.
Tickets to my favorite band
that is coming into town.
I am so happy!
Nothing can bring me down!
My alarm clock rings.
I look out the window into reality.
A white blanket on the ground,
Gross brown slush in the streets.
Last night it snowed,
just like it has for weeks.
What a wonderful dream!
Too bad it wasn't real.
Another Valentine's Day to begin,
to me, just another Wednesday,
of the 2007 school year.


Іванченко said...

Valentine's Day is just an expediter of insecurity
it holds on and doesn't let you free
and expectation is production of misery
there's an inherited scar that goes to hallmark cards
valentine's day is the one that hits us the most hard
its posessive, the day, belonging to a saint
but not to the one who acts irate
once faced with mirror fate
spent alone, you're not alone
throwing dogs bones
are something that softens blows
like masks made of foam
so relax, don't flex the stress
i'm here with you, fallacies of love
are something that fits too well like one size fits all gloves



sistermaryclarence said...

holy moses. thats a sick comment. but laura, i love this. i think some of us all feel a little like this. but you know what. dont let it get you down. because the reasons like seasons because i hate V day is far from having a bf, i hate the color red. plain. simple. dont let it get you down. because shoot. i love you.