Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Wish

If I could ask god for one thing, I would ask him for a day like tomorrow that would never really happen. I mean, I would ask him to let me wake up one day, and just live like I wish I could. Not be afraid to tell people what I truly feel about them, or to speak my mind. I would ask him to give me that chance, to leave my fears behind. I would ask him that when that day was over, I would go to sleep, and wake up, and the day would have never happened. It would just be a dream in my memory. Just so I could know, know if putting it all on the table would make me the happiest I've ever been, or if it would just mess everything up. Would I go to sleep on that day, and tell god, "thanks for letting me know that you cant always be accepted and happy with your true self", or would I tell him "you know, you could forget about my wish, and just let this day be, cause if you take it away, I would just live it the same again tomorrow". What would that day teach me? And here comes a question I am too scared to ask… why don't I make that day tomorrow? What if tomorrow night I could pray and say, "This is how I want to live everyday". Take god out of it. What if I went into tomorrow, and lived it like I tell my self I want to. Do the things I tell myself I'm gonna do just before I fall asleep? You see, what I'm starting to believe is that the risks involved in living your days like that aren't really that big of risks at all, they are more like opportunities.


NashvilleBlues said...

I loved this. It creates an image in my mind of what I ask myself all the time. Great piece. Keep on writing. I hope to see more of your stuff.

Theresa said...

Sam swa...I really like this. I think everybody wonders what it'd be like if they could do that...maybe you should! I heart you and look forward to more of your stuff!

boogie said...

That was awsome. I love that wish and I wish I could do the same.

sistermaryclarence said...

i do wish that i could come to my sences, and understand things like that, i say them all the time, but never believe them. i know right, how silly. but this is great. keep writing.

Іванченко said...

dear sam,
we sit across from eachother, during that plan, we look past the things, we're only man, attempting to live, attempting to grasp, we sit here knowing we die in the following years. each day is a new day, and every day will always be the same. that is, if we don't change. good work, keep talking to god. cuz lord knows, i'm slipping away...
