Monday, February 05, 2007


this just won't come naturally and so habitually i try to do it induvidually. when you find something you knew you didn't have when you spit words out like broken teeth falling outta your mouth when your heart says more than your lips can form words to so you gotta try something new and you gotta be true. to you and......only you. white space is a maze, it shows you grace and draws your gaze and you gotta wonder, just what it is that hides under that blunder that's your mess of words, like maybe is it something worth nothing or is it nothing worth everything or does it just blow your mind when your thoughts are confined to a page where your mind happens to be defined? so you say please you gotta understand that you had to take a stand. so when you shine above all the rest you can take it and call it mine.


Galliana said...

thats really good. i like it a lot!

sistermaryclarence said...

T--you are the S**T yeahhh. okay, thank you so much for all of your support. you make me want to rhyme, and i know i cant. but you are the poo. haha. shoot love you.