Friday, February 16, 2007


I don’t understand
Why you do these things,
Yeah, because you love me,
But I know there are other reasons.

You seem to find something wrong
In every little thing I do,
Whether it be the friends I chose,
Or the music that I listen to.

You say that my best friend
Is a bad person
and isn’t worthy of knowing me,
You say that my music
Is repulsive and unclean.

Everything seems
to be going along just great,
then you surprise me,
in your unexpected, unpleasant ways.

I am in your network of
Unreasonable, no, irrational, restrictions,
You chose to believe
That the life I’m leading is fiction.

Well it’s not!
It’s as real as the sun and the moon,
And if you don’t like it,
Well then too bad for you.

The friends I chose,
And the music I listen to,
Those are the things
That make me…me,
Not you.

You can tell me who
I can and can’t hang out with,
You can tell me that
I can’t listen to songs with “bad” words.

Put more restrictions on me,
See what that’ll do,
You can’t take away what makes me – me,
Because, you see, I’m not you.

With all these restrictions,
You think you’re protecting me?
Please, give me a break!
For God’s sake I’m 18!

Let me chose my own friends,
And the music I listen to,
Because sooner or later,
That’s what you’re going to have to do.

When I’m up at college,
You can’t tell me who to be-friend,
What not to listen to,
And what not to wear,
Yeah I’ll make mistakes,
And some bad decisions here and there,
But hey! We’re all human,
And that’s the one burden that we share.

Ease up a little,
Try to understand,
That the music that
I listen to,
Isn’t bad,
And neither are my friends.

Ease up on all the rest
Of the restrictions put on me,
My life is no fiction that
You make it out to be,
And I hope that maybe one day,
You’ll open your eyes and see.

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