Monday, February 05, 2007

Don’t take her

Everything comes down at once
My best friend
Locked away
She doesn’t belong
In a place, its all waste
Such as life
Right when you need it
Blood stains
Heart Pains
Can’t I get a little peace?
A day with no worries
Or heart break.
Makes me hate.
Everyone that wants to take place.
You can break my heart.
Don’t take her away.
You’ll make today
Worse then it really is.
I want to hate you
For doing this.
I want to make you feel the pain that I am in
It’s not going to make her sane
It won’t gain anything
It’s all just a fling.
I want you to know
You make it all worse
You are the reason for the hurt
I don’t want you here anymore!
You gave her more reason
For all the pain
And everything you put her through
I don’t blame her for playing this mind game with you
I don’t want to hear your name ever again.

1 comment:

sistermaryclarence said...

holy moses, thats the same thing im pretty much feeling right now. this is a great write. keep it up. Shoot.