Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Missing Pieces

Hold up. Stick your nose up. Smell the air, try to compare to how it was back there. When we knew. Knew what was true. Knew what to do. When we had nothing to lose. But now it’s gone and it’s been so long, and I miss hanging out with you and your mom, but you still look so strong. Like me you see, we still try to be what they want us to be. But before, we could ignore, we could be free to be who we wanted to be, just you and me. And now I can’t see were those moments could be. We built up these walls, to tall to call to each other when we miss one another. You called me a brother. And we put my A’s on your fridge as a bridge to each other. But the bridge has been broken, and this is my token, to you my friend, who still can’t comprehend, how I brake and you bend, and I tried to make amends, but we’re both hurt again. I miss you.

promise something happy next time :)


boogie said...

Sam Swa, when did you become such a great writer? I loved how that flowed. Keep it up.

sistermaryclarence said...

this was great, i loved it. keep up the good work.

LloydDobbler said...
